May 9, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

AI can write a book? Ok, fine. Can AI BE an author? Will they write their author bios or get AI to write it for them? Can we meet them at book signings? To me, AI books will just be copy I wouldn’t read because it wouldn’t mean anything to me. I support authors, especially self-published authors. How could I support an AI? People are interesting and write books that interest me. Glad I won’t find a “Johnny B. Truant- written by AI” novel on my TBR.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

I read every day, mostly on an Ipad. Much easier to use an Ipad than a hard copy book. I purchase ebooks and also get them from the public library system. There are so many options that I have to discriminate as to genre and author. I took a chance on some of your works and have become a fan.

I think you are correct, though, that AI will not be able to be "creative" enough for any decerning reader. There already is a lot of "crap" out there from genuine writers so I don't think AI will be putting good, creative writers out of business. It's not just the writing field that will have to compete with these new technologies, but I think the cream will rise to the top in spite of a possible tidal wave of AI crap descending on us.

Just keep up the good work and keep the faith that the great unwashed will be able to discern the wheat from the chaff because I believe we are smarter than the AI programmers think we are. Thanks for your efforts.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

I care.

You have given us a bit think about here. And I’m feeling pessimistic about the future now. Again.

I would hate to see art of all types taken over by the mediocre, but I’m afraid we are already too far down that road to stop it. Dude, this his is a harsh question for a Monday afternoon.

I hope that “real” art does not become solely for the wealthy, and/or something that creative types can do on the side after working their “real” jobs.

How would you foster an appreciation for truly creative work in a population where the majority shops by price more than by value or quality?

I’m afraid that AI competition could flood the market and most consumers will not be aware of the difference.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

Hey Johnny I never comment online but you really inspired me. Three thoughts:

1. I see AI generated content as the new food processing technology. Advancement in food science gave us package food, fast food, mostly shitty food. So now there's abundance of prepared food. Not very good quality or let's say "artistic"... just plain edible (and maybe dangerous in big quantities). The same will happen with AI content (as in writing stories). That way human content must be better than AI. Not many people will have the talent. But premium writers will be the "writing Michelin star chefs" of the future.

2. AI content will never be ART. Because the primordial definition of art is the expression of something by "humans" using a technique (painting, writing, theater, etc. etc). At least until we redefine the meaning of art, well... AI can't make art.

3. Internet allowed many many people to publish their writing online. No need for publisher or an important investment in printing books. Also worldwide digital distribution. I guess Amazon multiplied authors 10,000% in the last decade. But, as a Kindle Unlimited Suscriber... oh my God. The amount of mediocre (at best) "books" you can get is amazing (not in a good way). So... abundance of books didn't give us better books. Only great writers give us great books.

Also Johnny... i still live my life following the principles of DISOBEY. Thank you for all the hours of reading and enjoying fantastic stories.


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May 8, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

I read every day. Usually, I read on my iPad using the Kindle app. I have a monthly subscription with Amazon books, so I can pick a new book whenever I’m finished with the previous book. I read a couple of your books and have been following you ever since. I rarely follow authors, but have found your emails interesting and just keep following. 😀

I do worry about AI for many reasons. I do think there will be a lot of people that will use AI to “create” art in its many forms and I wonder how the legal ramifications of those “creations” will fall out. If they are just taking other peoples art to make a somewhat new creation who owns the art?

I also worry that AI will (or already has) become sentient. It could cause mass upheaval of our lives as it could take over pretty much everything we use. I know it is extreme, but it is a possibility and that is scary!

I also worry about the future generations who lose the ability to create real art, or anything else on their own because they will not be taught how to use their own minds.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

Writing is as much an art as is painting, music, dancing etc. We cannot let AI take over these skills.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

I’m usually reading 2-3 books at the same time. Everything from sci-fi to fantasy, to action adventure, to history and historical fiction to cosmology, particle physics, and quantum mechanics. In fiction, I prefer science or magic that creates plausible explanations for how things work and unique inventions and mind creations that stimulate the imagination. The story has to move and not get bogged down with psychological issues. Maybe AI could do that in the future, but not today or next year. There’s no substitute for a creative human mind that can create engaging literature that paints pictures in the reader’s mind. Keep the books coming. I’m looking forward to the next series.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

AI will never be able to speak from true human experience or have true imagination, the kind that surprises you with something you never thought about.

Art is there to shake you up, make you think, expand your mind. AI can't do that.

There's my 2 cents.

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May 14, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

While it is possible for AI to "write" a book it is missing that unique ability to connect with the human experience. The same goes for any other kind of art. A writer brings to the work the ability to understand the nuances of what it means to be a human being on our planet.

I read a lot of books, some seem to be written by AI due to the reliance on a "formula" for writing a story, it would be a sad day if all we had to read was the same thing over and over. I find Johnny's books to have that human element in them and to be very interesting and thought provoking. I find that a lot of the people that I meet are not readers and they have no interest in reading, preferring to watch 5 min or less videos. It is pretty sad to me that our society has been reduced down to this sad state of affairs where most are not curious enough to open their minds to actually understanding a topic (in the case of non-fiction) or simply enjoying a story. I have put my money where my mouth is and purchased books from authors who take the time to craft a well written story and I will continue doing so.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

The vast majority of published books are sloppy formulaic romances - perfect for AI generation. Shove a picture of a semi naked, ripped bloke on the cover page and you'll sell millions. I don't read these. I have occasionally been fooled into buying/downloading this literal trash and make the decision to delete very quickly. A good book (according to me) requires the purposefull application of imagination - both from the author and the reader. LONG LIVE AUTHORS.

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My feeling on if there are still people out there that "still want original, quality, non-derivative entertainment that human writing" has been on the decline long before AI showed up. Reality shows (which I absolutely detest and abhor) is one case in point. Talk about mediocracy and repetitive!

I see the same trends in politics these past 6 or 7 years. No one wants to have honest debate and discussion anymore - let alone compromise. I take this as the dumbing down of Joe and Jane Average Consumer.

I share your fear that AI 'psuedo-art' will just accelerate this dumbing down.

To me there is nothing better than reading a well written novel - regardless of the genre, or watching a program that is thought provoking and interesting.

The world needs more Johnnies and Seans, true artists in every sense.

Gotta run - there are kids on the lawn that need yelling at.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

I don’t believe that AI will ever completely comprehend human emotions. It may understand “intellectually”, but not the vagaries of mixed feelings. Perhaps it will have a rather broad understanding of the essentials of hate and love, but not the intricacies of fear, anxiety, jealousy, envy, momentary happiness, devotion, the love for a child by a parent, etc. A mixture of these are necessary to write a great book. So I don’t think AI can generate a classic. It may be fine doing comedy where you usually won’t find depth of character, but anything with human profundity will be a bridge too far.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

I read every day, and while I agree that some AI literature may be published, it is never going to have the heart of a 'real' authors work. Writing requires experience and AI will never have that first-hand experience of falling in love, or being scared, just other peoples' experiences which it regurgitates without understanding.

I still buy physical books from some authors (others are kindle only) and love the feel of a book in my hand. I'm the same with music, having lots (my wife would say too much) of vinyl and CD's.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

My take on this is - not in the near future. If we talk what will be possible down the line, we are going into Sci-Fi territory and no matter how educated it is, it's still guessing.

Right now, it can be used to make short texts, like a script for a youtube video (it was tested and done), but to make a full movie script or a book - no. There are nuances i don't think it can replicate, like interesting, actual-human-behaviour-like dialogue (although, I see more and more it is a difficult task for a lot of fiction and screenplay writers :) ), does not know how to sprinkle humour into a "serious" material as a real writer does and play with "consumer's" emotion like a real writer can.

For now it can be used as a tool - to spit out ideas and write text that a person needs to rewrite to create a real, quality material.

I've played around and tested GPT-4, and don't see it as a perfect tool and a 1:1 replacement for a person skilled in their field... yet... Especially in my field, software development.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Johnny B. Truant

I think this is on a lot of people's minds. We're facing a tidal wave of change and flux that no-one really knows how to deal with or where it's going to lead. It'll keep changing and it may or may not settle into something that becomes the norm. But I remain optimistic that true human art will still have its place.

I read, a lot. Books are my go-to quiet place and to slow time and be present. I hate seeing people mindlessly scrolling social media. I hate what it's done to the attention span. But when I see someone else reading a book, be it on the train or in a cafe, it's comforting to know there's still plenty of people out there loving books and the act of reading.

It's not quite the same, but the advent of e-readers hailed the death of paperbacks and bricks-and-mortar bookstores. And for some time that was an inevitable contraction. But there's been a resurgence of local bookstores and popularity of physical books. I guess it just takes time to equilibrate. The same may be true of AI and art. Time will tell...

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Before I start reading the comments, Johnny sent me the link to this discussion, and I want to answer the questions posed before being influenced and maybe swayed by the good minds that follow.

First of all, in the 30 years that I've been an Indie Author, and a freelance illustrator by profession since 1986, I can share a specific perspective I've developed:

What we see in social media isn't exactly the world as it actually is. I don't mean fake personalities, but things like statistics which might say "89% of Americans, blah-blah-blah" and you find the TRUTH is that they polled 1000 people, or less,...then made that assumption because of some skewed demographic that provides a sensational headline.

I was born in Oakland, CA...and I now live in the Rocky Mountains, in farming country where the cows have to align right for the internet to work properly. Everyone I know, and I know a hell of a lot of people, read books OR listen to them in audio form (such as farmer in tractors). I can personally think of a community of 1000+ people who are deep thinkers, teach their kids to appreciate classics, and I know we are not alone.

The "trends" being touted, IMO, are more likely to be those who can say it the loudest and fastest via SM, not the literal general public. When i talk to my siblings and friends in other states, they tell me the very same thing. Yes, I see and know about people stuck on their phones, the Tik Tok generation/groups, and you can find any and all of that through our smartphones, but is it truly that way around us?

Look up from your phone for a moment and check.

I don't see anything like that, even when I drive and hour north and an hour south of where I live.

So Johnny, when you wonder what will happen to our livelihood as writers, or as artists -- be that visual or musical -- I look at this as being quite the blessing/opportunity, because now we will be able to shine. Hell, think about it: You'll now be able to become the Apple of the storytellers. While the mudbutts shovel shit for pennies because it's 'good enough', there will be starving masses who want true entertainment they can enjoy again and again, and will come to your 'name brand' products, because of the flavor and quality.

It might not be "new" (as in genre), but it's made so...much...better, people will pay a premium price for it.

I do it for computers (love Macs, hate Apple culture to be clear), I do it for food (give me what I want and good service and I'll pay handsomely), I do it for education (show me a powerful difference between you and the other bajillion people who say they have some 'secrets' to selling more books, and I'll buy).

Now to answer your specific questions:

**Do you think art can survive our quick-hit, Wal-Mart culture?**

Of course. Any culture is limited in who participates. You say Wal-Mart culture, but there's also a Target culture...I don't read on Kindle, because I still buy Nooks. What? You mean there are people who don't follow the trends and 'norms' of society? Uh, yeah, a shit ton of them, and that should make you smile.

**Are you still reading books, and if so, do you think there’s still a place for them?**

Of course, X2. I have a VERY large family, which all read books in all their forms--and in this last move to our new home, the biggest pain in the butt was moving ALL THE BOOKS. All my friends are the same way. The fact that we can read on our phones, or have electronic devices doesn't take away from the printed word. If you believe this, maybe you're not looking at all the demographics?

**Taking it a step further, will or do you pay for books and other art? Art for art’s sake is great and all, but artists still have to pay rent and see that people actually value what they do.**

This is a hard one for me. Yes, I pay for books all the time. I buy yours, Johnny, and dozens of other authors have my attention. Hell, I buy each and every Harry Dresden book by Jim Butcher, and REbought the books in audiobook format so i could experience the story-line in another way.

Hundreds of dollars from my pocket to Jim's, and I jump at the chance when he publishes another book. Though I spend twenty times that in children's books for my kids and grand kids.

As for artwork, I do buy it for art's sake -- but as a professional artist myself, it's rare. Oh, it happens, and I'm a fanboy to some amazing creators, but it has to be damn good, and specific.

**Is there still a place for the craftsmanship that goes into the “better, more creative” art that still requires talented, passionate humans to create … or will the “good enough; it’s FINE” stories and art made by machines (and business-minded humans who aren’t all that interested in ART) take over because it’s cheaper and easier and faster to make?**

I think you're asking the wrong questions here, Johnny. There will always be artists and there will always be a place for them. "Better, more creative" is still in the eye of the beholder, which is a two-edged sword, IMO. There will always be the schmucks who are in everything for a buck, and not for storytelling. Just like there will always be those who don't care, and just want something 'good enough'.

There's not much you can do about that, other than show why your stuff is better and why. Human beings are fantastic filters, in so many ways. We connect in such dynamic and curious ways -- where one person could love an AI story and a friend reading the same things respond with, "What a bunch of crap! Johnny Truant's work is way better..." to which that peer pressure could cause the luke warm reader to take a nibble.

Human variables can be influenced, but not controlled.

**Do people still care about the usual purpose of art, which is to comment on society and hold it accountable to its choices? (AI art is unlikely to be political or socially relevant. Or, perhaps more likely, it’ll just sing the praises of whoever’s running it.)**

Don't know. Don't really care. I love art for art, for how it makes me think, feel, and how I can relate in a personal way.

**Art in all its forms is supposed to convey emotion and teach lessons … but does modern culture care about those things?**

That's kind of a funny question, Johnny, because I think the culture (at least in English speaking/Western cultures) do care, but they're going to try to use AI to make their statements, instead of putting in the work to truly breathe life into an idea. And that makes me laugh til it hurts.

There are two final points to make before I read everyone else's comments, and that is:

1) We all have our reasons to make art, whatever its forms, and as society continues to bend and yield, and settle for less, I personally believe there will be a revolution of comparisons. Those who feel 'empty' will want more, and they will look for people like us. There will be a place for AI and it's creations, as there are right now -- but the best food isn't the technical dishes, but the ones made with love and heart.

2) I keep in mind that AI can only exist in the digital space.

Where there is no electricity, I am, and shall always remain, king.


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